"Genesis" Giclee Fine Art Paper Print

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"Genesis" 15x20 Giclee Paper Print

A few years ago I was blessed with the good fortune to live deep in the woods in the most amazing house. We were in the outskirts of Duvall Washington on 10 acres of property, surrounded by trails and forest adventures in all directions. I have always loved these ancient nurse logs, which server as both reminders of the past (what we've lost) and proof of the future (prolific new growth). Nature is relentlessly recreating itself, healing and repairing the damages of the past. With enough time, all wounds will heal. The future is uncertain and always evolving as we evolve.

In this print I put many of my favorite plants that grew on our property: sword ferns, salal, Oregon grape, huckleberry, bleeding heart, mushrooms and more.


*watermark will not appear on print